Frequently Asked Questions

I’m working or studying outside the UK. Can I still apply?

Yes! You can absolutely apply, even if you plan to work remotely for the whole fellowship.

Can I apply for multiple projects at once?

Yes! You can apply for multiple projects. This may require answering several extended questions, and so we recommend you don't apply for more than 2-3 projects.

Are fellowship participants paid?

Fellowship participants are uncompensated by default. However, if this is a barrier to applying, because we have some limited funding available, and we don’t want this to stop you from submitting an application: please mention this in your application form. Additionally, several of our project leads (e.g. METR) may provide funding from their organisations to support research associates.

I can’t apply right now, but will there be projects available in future?

Yes! We plan to run another round in early 2025, hopefully with more projects and project leads across multiple cause areas.

What happens at the end of the fellowship?

This depends on project leads and research associates, but we expect that most successful relationships will continue past 12 weeks until the project is complete. We’ll evaluate projects toward the end of the fellowship period in consultation with project leads, and can provide some limited funding to support continued work on a particularly high-impact project, if this is an option.